Well its been ages since I added anything to this blog! Where does the time go? I know the last few weeks I've been concentrating on getting some fusing done so that we have enough stock for the four day Christmas Fair in Glasgow this coming weekend. Luckily I'm not on my own for this event as there are 3 of us sharing the table. Really not sure how much stock we need for four whole days.
Some of the things we've made definitely have a Christmassy feel but other things like this dish decorated with wig-wag twisties will do well for any occasion.
We have lots of candle holders and little dishes which are great for night-light style candles. Who knows, some of these little guys might make an appearance too.
Something else I've been trying recently is making woven treasure bracelets. They are really fun to do and are a great way of using my handmade lampwork beads. Here's the first one I made...
and here's the next one ready for Christmas...
Sometime recently I actually found a moment to make some more beads and here's one of the sets that I was really pleased with.
Sunday, 25 November 2007
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