Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Saturday sunrise and snow

Well it was a great weekend! Saturday was amazing, Richard and Heike told us all about the work they do and how they do it - so much information! I really want to have a go at casting glass now although not on the sort of scale they work. Just as I was about to leave on Saturday morning I looked outside and this is what I saw...
Sunday was great fun, the new studio at Retro Glass looks fab and I can't wait to have a go with the new 'toys' they have available.

Then yesterday, I had to go into Stirling for a hospital appointment and this is what it was doing outside...
Luckily I had seen the forecast and left the car down the bottom of our really steep driveway! Also the main road to Stirling had been well gritted so it wasn't too bad a drive but as I was leaving Stirling the snow started coming down really heavily. Normally I would have taken the opportunity to spend some time in town but thought it best to get home. Returned to find it hadn't really snowed any more there and by the evening it was raining and washing all the snow away! So now that I don't have to drive anywhere it's virtually all gone...awww not fair!

So no building snowmen for me...I better go clean up those beads I made last week...

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