Wednesday, 1 July 2009


Buttons, originally uploaded by HollingdaleDesigns.

I know it's been ages since the last post but we are still in the process of moving so I've been a bit distracted. I haven't just been packing boxes getting ready to move though, I have made a few sets of buttons too!


Eve Smith said...

Oh lots of beautiful buttons gill, how are anyway? good to see you blogging again, hope the move is going well,

Gill said...

Thanks Eve! Things are going ok though I will be pleased when I can get back to some sort of 'normal'.

Unknown said...

A few .... that's a production line going on!!

They look great

JuanitaTortilla said...

Oh my word your clay buttons are so colourful and fun to look at.
I've been making ceramic buttons at a workshop, but have yet to have them fired. I hope they turn out okay, for a beginner's first try-out!

Hannah said...

oooo you tease!!! ;) Hope the move is all going smoothly xx

Suzanne Vaughan said...

They look fab. Can't wait to see them properly.

cufflinks said...

I am new to your blog and have found it amazing!

I collect buttons and since finding your blog have realised that i am in now in heaven.

Yvonne Randall said...

Wow, did you make those?
